Lear passed away on 29 March 2022 at the ripe old age of 79. And so the filtering system around each planet determines what the temperature is. That changed in the Summer of 1988, when UFO witness Bill Cooper made his first public comments on the ParaNet Bulletin Board System. (7:21), This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 04:31. So it is on Mars. John believes flight 175 could have never had hit WTC in a manner it happened. Lear and his father remain estranged -- when his father died in 1979, John Lear was excluded from the will, which was generous to John's children. They pick up kids when theyre 3 to 4; they pick them up when theyre 7 to 8; then once theyre 13 to be sure everythings OK. Thats all their job is [John also feels Greys are not malevolent], what Earth is all about, is development of soul. He said he felt like he was in a well that was 100 feet deep, that his arms were 100 feet long, and he was just holding on to the sides of the well, just barely with his fingertips. Very Good.. The Statement references the 1952 Washington, D.C., UFO incident and a 1964 meeting with aliens at Holloman Air Force Base. During a 1964 hypnotic regression, Barney Hill became the first person to report recollections of Gray Aliens and Alien Abductions. There, the cities of fairies, gnomes and dwarfs were formed. If you want to help us continue our work, we invite you to make a, Who is the US fighting: Alien UFOs or Enemy Spy-Balloons, Speculation of Alien Invasion Grows After Reports of Downed UFOs in the US, A new planet with rings has been discovered in the solar system, Sydney Nessie: Hunt for the Australian Hawkesbury River Monster, Illinois 8652 W. 95th Street, Hickory Hills, IL 60457-1700, Scientist: Nuclear Explosions on Mars Were Meant To Exterminate All Life, Japan Air Lines Flight 1628 Encountered Giant UFO Over Alaska, The S30 UFO Bizarre Aircraft With Unrealistic Maneuverability Filmed Over Nellis Afb Test Range. [4] His second and third birthday parties were covered in the "Society" page of an Ohio paper. (6:48), The news section cuts to Lazar who claims he called the schools he attended, the hospital he was born in, and his past job to get records, but to no avail. American scientist explained why death does not exist, Secret corridor discovered inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, Explanation for mysterious dust that fell from the sky in the US appeared, Hey explorer! [20] That November, Lear ran for Nevada State Senate, earning the endorsement of a "Coalition for Affordable Energy". He lived down on Third Street with his wife, Josephine, and they were in our house just like Vandenberg, just like Twining, all those MJ-12 guys. Here John also touched on the common belief that humanity is a genetic project, manufactured. And, for that reason, he thought that there might be atmosphere on the far side, in 1870, when a guy named Simon Newcomb came to Paris and told everybody that Peter Andreas Hansen was full of beans. Ukraine . John Lear!This has just been posted to his fb profile. Offering a condensed history of events since 1947, Lear tells investigative journalist George Knapp that the government has even housed aliens at two U.S. sites. Allegedly they do what needs doing and that can at times seem cruel from human perspective. [23] In the 1950s and 60s, many UFO and contactee groups professed belief in Space Brothers, benevolent aliens eager to improve life on Earth. Anybody who has any background in accident investigation or any background at all, cant possibly believe that an airplane crashed. He did work there. Nazca Aliens. Yet his view is very much similar to series Taken, which again brings us to Fact or Fiction. Im sure that Timothy McVeigh is alive and well now. (7:00), Lazar alleges his employer at S4 was the US Navy. Together, the duo also a daughter named Allison that completes his family. It just cant happen. John has a bit of a fame factor due to his father. Now talking about his relationship, John Lear was a happily married and tied his wedding knot to Marilee Higginbotham in 1970. It has flown in more than 150 test aircraft. No antibiotics should be used during this period. If you get out of the crater it takes a little longer. According to Lear, everything we know about the Moon is a lie invented by the government for the specific purpose of hiding its extraterrestrial activities and programs. back road. The first flight to Mars took place in 1966, says Lear. "[32], In March 1989, Lear journeyed to the outskirts of "Area 51". It is believed this was done to instill a reflex. Make happy!Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Telegram for interesting and mysterious bonus content! He was born on 3 December 1942. John Lear age was 79 year old at the time of his death. You can go anywhere in the world in an hour, Pacific Ocean underlies California, Nevada and Idaho, entrance is in north of Fort Ord on Monterey Bay, Thresher and the Scorpion nuclear submarines were lost while exploring these areas, there was a secret Navy base in Lake Tahoe, other things I heard about was a computerized battleship. Trending: Former world Darts champion, Ted Hankey, Charged with Sexual Assault, Aged 54, Everything on his Family and Wife. Having an X clearance does not mean you get to know everything everyone with an X clearance knows. Delta Force attempted to retaliate. And then Bush took an airplane to Paris to meet not with Khomeini, but with a representative of Khomeini. [30], Lear had been posting "wild conspiracies about secret government relations with aliens" to Paranet. Due to the incident Bob was threatened, he later stopped working at Area 51 because they were wiping his memory. When each airplane, American Airlines in the North Tower and United Airlines in the South Tower, hit, it was two-fifths of a second while they [fuselage] The survey was carried out simultaneously in two different rooms in order to exclude forgery. Its all computerized, I think the Ronald Reagan goes about 90 knots. There is no need to rely on luck here, since the objects were very specific a pyramid of malachite, a dog figurine, a feather of a bird of paradise, a handful of pumpkin seeds and a tuft of coyote wool. And, for that reason, he thought that there might be atmosphere on the far side. The same on Mercury. He was the son of Bill Lear who was the founder of Learjet and Moya Marie Olsen Lear (mother). For Christ sake, I dont know! This is the first segment of Lear's second appearance in "On the Record," which aired on Jan. 28, 1988, on KLAS TV in Las Vegas. In 1962, Lear crashed a biplane during stunt flying as his boarding school; He underwent an emergency tracheotomy, a five hour surgery, and a long convalescence. At each different phase of the clearance, the soldier would take the M-16 and poke it into his solar plexus. Army questioned John and then let him go. John; List Agent Last Name: Cuasito; Listing Office Information. You know, the Secret Astronaut Corps has visited every planet, or most of the planets, sun is an electromagnetic sphere. We think its that color because, although the atmosphere is not as dense as Earth, its higher. Next day William Irvine informed John he had been prevented from further posting untill he can prove those insults were used against him. Its none of his friggin business. In 1989, the pair issued an "indictment" demanding that the US "cease aiding and abetting and concealing this Alien Nation which exists in our borders. They preceded to drive home and were stopped by the county sheriff. The document describing a secret government committee, Majestic 12, making a treaty with Gray aliens, only to later realize they've been deceived by the aliens. According to the narrative, Truman formed a group of twelve insiders, known as Majestic 12, to investigate the matter. He was the son of Bill Lear who was the founder of Learjet and Moya Marie Olsen Lear (mother). And I know Johns father did exactly this too. On the last day of March news began to spread around online UFO circles that John Lear, one of the most controversial figures in the field in the last 35 years, passed away during his sleep on March 29 th at his home. Billions just like Earth in various stages of development. At the same time, water seeped deep into and filled the cavity in the center of the cosmic body. On January 28, 1988, Lear was interviewed by TV journalist George Knapp. Traffic was cleared from the Golden Gate Bridge in anticipation of a forced landing. Allegedly there is far more to the moon than we think. Some of them are not as advanced as we are, and some are more advanced. And at the end, the soldier would take the M-16 and poke it into his stomach. The only big gas giant in our solar system is NASA, the day is 90 Earth hours long. The Statement argues that many in the "original group" of insiders committed suicide, most notably James Forrestal. Planet X and Nibiru, thats based on 65 years of listening to bullshit, George Adamski and Howard Menger stuff was all real, so was Truman Bethurum, and Daniel Fry. This link below as well as other Lear Corp historical references can back up Exactly what and Who John has claimed he is. And he drank the cup. The symposium was titled: "The UFO Cover-Up: A Government Conspiracy? [35], Lazar's claims were widely discredited. I dont want to hear any more from Kennedy. [8][9], In 1956, Lear flew his first flight at age 14. Join. We cant be responsible for the nuclear wars if they are going on. [21], Lear has been described as "a divisive figure whose claims often crumbled under scrutiny."[22]. Lear was widely known for his claims about UFOs and Area 51, but also. Apparently the forum moderators were unable to find original posts on the forum, containing the insults. The Statement asserts that "some of the nations missing children had been used for secretions and other parts required by the aliens". And hed say: And I understand that, you know, I am being briefed. I would say thirty to forty thousand years ago. That opportunity came only a few days later" when he was contacted by fellow ParaNet poster John Olsen Lear. ease arkansas phone number NASA didnt specifically kill those guys, just Grissom, but they let it happen. Now the reason I say thirty to forty thousand years ago, is because its still within the history of man. The New Republic argues Lear's theories were "the kind of thing no one took very seriously". John made several claims, 9/11 ones being among the most innocent ones. In an interview, former CIA pilot John Lear stunned the world by disclosing appearances, names, and details about the location of millions humanoid aliens residing on the moon. In the 1980s, Lear became an outspoken critic of an alleged government cover-up of UFOs, and his interviews on Channel 8 were seen all over the world. Then they started to read the clearance, the briefing of the clearance, which he was being given. [31] The two began a collaboration. [4][5] He was named after his maternal grandfather, famous comedian John Olsen. But its all about the soul, our nature, not being such murderous arrogant thieves. Claims 2003. r/hyderabad Me and my friends are planning on starting a Bar & Lounge on a rooftop in Hyderabad. There are people just like us on every single one of the planets, a week ago CNN said that a 220 mile by 40 or 50 mile chunk of ice had broken off from Antarctica, it was obviously a direct energy weapon that had made all the square cuts on this [saying it is not due to global warming], there is global warming, but we had nothing to do with it. [WP] A group of intelligent and extremely sophisticated cannibals are trying to convince you to let them eat you. John Olsen Lear, pilot, son of William Powell Lear, founder of the Lear Jet corporation. Personal life. The ringing in my ears wont go away! Jeff Ritzmann and David Biedne. Regardless of how weak the immune system is, the virus will be destroyed. There was no wreckage. His daughter was first to announced his death. Flight 93 allegedly crashed in Shanksville. And the rays reflecting through the atmosphere will go more towards yellow, In 1856 a Danish mathematician and astronomer, Peter Andreas Hansen, proposed there was a bump on the far side of the Moon, center of gravity was actually placed 57 kilometers farther out in space than had been generally realized. [39] Air Force Sergeant Richard C. Doty was also involved, said Moore, though Moore thought Doty was "simply a pawn in a much larger game, as was I. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. He has flown over 150 aircraft and has earned every certificate granted by the Federal Aviation Administration. [31] Cooper claimed he was instructed by superiors to never speak about the incident.[31]. Mossad couldnt figure out how the pilots got off course. "[31] Despite initial objections from MUFON founder Walt Andrus, Lear was able to submit a slate of speakers after he threatened to split the symposium. Anybody who has any background in accident investigation or any background at all, cant possibly believe that an airplane crashed. On May 15, 1989, KLAS-TV broadcast a live interview between George Knapp and a man clad in shadow and using the pseudonym "Dennis". In the 70s, before NASA allegedly began to destroy the photos taken by Apollo 8, 10, and 11 and published in the 1971 NASA book SB2-46, it was possible to see the city, the space base, pipes, roads, vegetation, lights, mining facilities, and a nuclear reactor. However, what actually does give validity is proof, tangible verifiable proof. disappeared in the airplane In two-fifths of a second youre not going to have a fuselage panel about seven feet long drift down and just be lying there in almost perfect condition, unless it was accompanied by Mohammed Attas passport. Lear is the son of Bill Lear, who developed the Lear Jet. Now some of them settled in the earths cavities on our planet, and some live on the moon. They had dropped the load. Im trying to reach a higher level of consciousness! We know what the neutral point is because: 1) Wernher von Braun told us; 2) the crew of Apollo 17 told us; and 3) one of the other Apollo missions told us. Whether his views are agreed with or not the guy has done and seen very much more than 95% of the populus. Theres billions of us in the universe. And thats to live our lives without envy, hate or greed, and to tell each member of our family how much we love them, and to tell them that every day. [10] His first solo flight was at 16, and in 1960, Lear was hired as a pilot and public relationship representative by his father's company. The Statement lists three saucer crashes: one near Roswell. [12], In 1965, Lear was employed by the Paul Kelly Flying Service when its founder was killed while piloting a LearJet. [31] One of those speakers, Bill Cooper, would later break with Lear after accusing him of being an intelligence agent.[2]. When he spoke, Moore said that he and others had been part of an elaborate, long-term disinformation campaign begun primarily to discredit Paul Bennewitz: "My role in the affair was primarily that of a freelancer providing information on Paul's (Bennewitz) current thinking and activities". The Ufologist Bill Moore was scheduled as the main speaker, and he refused to submit his paper for review prior to the convention, and also announced that he would not answer any follow-up questions as was common practice. [11], That year, Lear agreed to attend a Pasadena, California Art College, but lost the $5,000 he had been given for tuition in the stock market. [13], Between May 23 and 26, 1966, Lear and a crewmate flew a record-breaking flight around the world in a LearJet that covered 22,000 miles in 50 hours and 39 minutes. Now, these arent the real names, except the top one is Majestic. Moore said that he "was in a rather unique position" in the disinformation campaign: "judging by the positions of the people I knew to be directly involved in it, [the disinformation] definitely had something to do with national security. Regardless of how weak the immune system is, the virus will be destroyed. And here is one of his statements: In 1953, an alien ship crashed and there was an alien on it, which we called EBE 3, and who then helped the US government build a spaceship using alien technology. Extremely surprisingly, John was questioned about what he knows or claims to know, by Kerry Lynn Cassidy as the interview was in progress. (7:00), Lazar alleges his employer at S4 was the US Navy. Moreover, he was the former CIA pilot and known for his UFO conspiracy ideas and Lear has also reported to have flown secret missions for the CIA which is between 1967 and 1983. The atmosphere has a saffron color. 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Its just a natural cycle of Earth, the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, was absolutely a direct energy weapon. It was approximately 80 microns, and thats what a direct energy weapon collapses when its pointed down. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. According to Cooper's first post, in 1966 he was serving aboard the USS Tiru when he and fellow Navy personnel witnessed a metal craft "larger than a football field" repeatedly enter and exit the water. John was told by his source a mining machine, for the moon, had been constructed someplace in southern USA. Those tested by Lear were Colorado resident Mark Stevenson and Washington suburban resident Amelia Leeds. [31] The two began a collaboration. But John Lear did not complete his research on this. Unlike most of the convention's attendees, Moore did not stay at the same hotel that was hosting the convention. And immediately he felt, you know, dizzy. R.I.P. John has been found in 23 states including Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Michigan, Kentucky, Florida. John Lear Tells All - Part 4 of 4. Army men heard Bob returning to the car and talking with John. In 1989, the pair issued an "indictment" demanding that the US "cease aiding and abetting and concealing this Alien Nation which exists in our borders. But these are exactly the technologies that emerged after the US government invested billions or trillions of dollars in all of Teslas research, says Lear. AIDS was invented by a Navy surgeon named R. M. Donner. The archives part is not explained as to what that is suppose to be. [6][7], Lear graduated from the Institut Le Rosey boarding school in Switzerland and attended Wichita State University. Nevada aviator John Lear's death Tuesday night has sent ripples through the worlds of aviation and conspir. Simon Newcomb was a Rear Admiral in the US Navy and Head of the US Naval Observatory in Washington, DC. Out of 2,800 people, only two managed to do it. AIDS virus is protected by the protein coat on the RNA preventing the antibodies, the T-4 cells, of the immune system from detecting and eliminating it. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. I have been frustrated since the day I left the Moon by that question. Biographer Mark Jacobson argues "the Tiru incident itself would not have done much to make Coopers name in ufology. has to do with the cucumber Trichosanthes kirilowii, which is only grown in China. 11. r/chicago. [37][38], In 1989, Lear served as State Director for The Mutual UFO Network, hosting their 1989 annual convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, on July 1, 1989. John Olsen Lear (December 3, 1942 - March 29, 2022), son of Learjet magnate Bill Lear, was an aviator who set multiple records, later flying cargo planes for the CIA during the Vietnam era. I ran into a man who says hes the son of the Guy who pioneered the Learjet. I cant show you a photo of the Enterprise right now, even though it exists. [20] That November, Lear ran for Nevada State Senate, earning the endorsement of a "Coalition for Affordable Energy". It was approximately 80 microns, and thats what a direct energy weapon collapses when its pointed down. John V Lear of Hannibal, Marion County, Missouri was born on August 3, 1950. Theres 64% gravity on the moon, using Bullialdus-Newton law of inverse-square, if we know where the neutral point is and the size of the planets, we can figure out what the gravity is. And then as soon as they got them over Russia, just shot their ass down, which was a message to Mossad: Hey, we dont want this to go on. If true, everything we know or were told about the solar system in basically science fiction. 1.1K. ALIENS. It has to do with drag, and it has to do with power and it has to do with the fact that they use turbofans. In 1962, Lear crashed a biplane during stunt flying as his boarding school; He underwent an emergency tracheotomy, a five hour surgery, and a long convalescence. Both psychics coped with the task. In 1984, Bill Moore's partner Jaime Shandera received an envelope containing film which, when developed, showed images of eight pages of documents that appeared to be briefing papers describing "Operation Majestic 12", a top-level UFO group with the US Government. John Lear had worked for the Paul Kelly Flying Service. And the deal was, if the Khomeini would delay the release of the hostages until Reagans inauguration, that the Reagan-Bush administration would supply him, the Iranian regime, unlimited guns and ammunition throughout their administration, which would go from 1980 to 1988. In 1984, Bill Moore's partner Jaime Shandera received an envelope containing film which, when developed, showed images of eight pages of documents that appeared to be briefing papers describing "Operation Majestic 12", a top-level UFO group with the US Government. [4][5] He was named after his maternal grandfather, famous comedian John Olsen. Ketia Daniel, founder of BHM Cleaning Co., is BestReviews cleaning expert. [41][bettersourceneeded], Lear's claims left a lasting influence on the UFO movementone author observed "in the early years [UFO writers] did not, by and large, embrace strong political positions. total, total unadulterated bullshit. All we can do is be responsible for ourselves. I would play the disinformation game, get my hands dirty just often enough to lead those directing the process into believing I was doing what they wanted me to do, and all the while continuing to burrow my way into the matrix so as to learn as much as possible about who was directing it and why. [31] One of those speakers, Bill Cooper, would later break with Lear after accusing him of being an intelligence agent.[2]. [17][18][19], In 1980, Lear was covered in local press when he lost a billing dispute with his natural gas provider. And immediately he felt, you know, dizzy. First of 3 Parts. He was 79 years old. John Lear was a famed record-breaking American pilot, a well-known conspiracy theorist, and former State Senate candidate. John is of American nationality having a white ethnicity background. And the reason was, the first airplane got shot down over Russia, about 40 miles south of Yerevan. [4] His second and third birthday parties were covered in the "Society" page of an Ohio paper. Soviet Researchers in the 60s Stated That the Moon Is Artificial Space Object. Know what cause of his death. John Lear age was 79 year old at the time of his death. Number of people I just dont know! Flight 11 and 77 didnt exist in the beginning. [6][7], Lear graduated from the Institut Le Rosey boarding school in Switzerland and attended Wichita State University. Nevada aviator John Lear's death Tuesday night has sent ripples through the worlds of aviation and conspiracy theories. Shortly after Newton died, somebody modified his thoughts to make what is called the Newton Law of Universal Gravitation. "[39] One of their goals, Moore said, was to disseminate information and watch as it was passed from person to person in order to study information channels. Another interesting claim is that about the Sun, the Moon and the rest of the planets around it. Most interestingly John said Grey aliens are responsible for human-containers-bodies and would protect Earth from any catastrophe. Since the 1947 flying disc craze, Americans had reported seeing unidentified objects in the skies, and by 1955, UFO researchers were accusing the US Government of a cover-up. He died on 12 August 1793, in Southampton, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States, at the . He went to high school at Shawnee Mission West High. To substantiate his claims John quoted from Buzz Aldrins book regarding how it felt being on the moon: "[2][31][42], In 1970, Lear married Marilee Higginbotham, owner of a California fashion modelling agency, at a ceremony in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles.[8]. What stands out most is his The cure for AIDS [33] [27][28], The Statement claims a UFO coverup has been underway for 40 years. And Mossad was handling the whole thing. An exasperated official told us he still had no records on Lazar. It wasnt until several years later when Kerry Lynn Cassidy managed to get her first exclusive on Mark Richards and his story. The Ufologist Bill Moore was scheduled as the main speaker, and he refused to submit his paper for review prior to the convention, and also announced that he would not answer any follow-up questions as was common practice. Point is I think its unlikely that their is another person surnamed Lear that also started a Jet company. And he described exactly what he felt like. The next stage consisted of several questions about the mother of the former CIA officer. UFOs. Moore's claims sent shock waves through the small, tight-knit UFO community[citation needed], which remains divided as to the reliability of his assertions. cid exam previous question papers. During the Vietnam era, he flew cargo planes for the CIA. I just dont know! Old John Lear Interview - YouTube An oldie but Goodie interview with John Lear.. Talks about Bob Lazar, and the numbered area place..