Had such a large sum of gold been seized with plans to distribute to the mass public, major media outlets certainly would have reported on it, yet none have. The 30-page Apsa budget showed it owns 4,051 properties in Italy and about 1,120 abroad, not including its embassies around the world. Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu was indicted for the crimes of embezzlement, abuse of office and bribery, the Vatican added. As part of his reform of the financial sector, Francis in 2014 reconfigured the board of the Vatican bank, hiring a fund manager, Jean-Baptiste de Franssu, to be its new president. Vatican indicts 10 people, including a cardinal, over an - CNN The Taliban has seized scores of American weapons and military equipment from Afghan security forces as the terrorist group accelerates its takeover following the withdrawal of U.S. forces from the country. I say balderdash to that, for as I wrote in Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations, Eugene Cardinal Tisserant - incidentally the Cardinal in charge of the Vatican archives at the time - was heavily implicated, in the 1970s, as being involved in a scheme to launder $900 million in fraudulent American corporate securities. And of course, to the rumors that persist to this day that Albino Cardinal Luciani - Pope John-Paul I - was rumored to be ready to take a major broom to the Vatican Bank (and the Vatican itself), and clean out the swamp, when he was found dead in his bed, shortly after a meeting with an archbishop. (Personally, re Eisenberg, I am wondering if Trump has had it in for this guy for awhile. More recently, suspicious 1.8 billion dollar transactions have apparently taken place between the Vatican and Australia, prompting one Vatican spokesman to state that the Vatican simply doesnt have that kind of money laying around. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/cardinal-pell-returns-vatican-mired-financial-scandal-73355203 and whether he can take the Covidscam useeless anyway mask off to receive communion, or have they dropped that as well as singing in churches due to the Black Plagues Grim Reaper that cannot count to 10 without lying. Nearly half of its clients in 2019 were religious orders. The Offices of the New York State Inspector General today released the results of its investigation of the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA) Transit Police, finding that the entity lost seized money from arrestees on more than one occasion due to careless procedures and missing internal controls involving seized and recovered funds. The 81-year-old was handed an eight year, 11 month jail term on Thursday, making him the highest-ranking Vatican official to be convicted of a financial crime. MADELEINE MCCANN'S FATER WEARING RED SHOES WITH PODESTA.. JFK Jr and Princess Diana still alive!! A Warner Bros. Mon, 01/03/2022 - 12:00. Authorities seize 2.8 tons of meth and fentanyl along California border Then there's Francis, who's right up there in my book along with Innocent III, Boniface VIII, and Pius "I-am-Tradition" IX for "reckless expansions of papal power." The Red Party of the east, foreign servers overseas, infiltration, and other sources still under investigation in the top portion of your list. (File Photo/CNA). FACT CHECK: Was $34 Quintillion In Gold Seized From The Vatican? Answer (1 of 36): The Church's greatest wealth are her poor. Nevada Highway Patrol, DEA sued over seizing Stephen Lara's money - The Luke 12:1-5. The court also ordered the confiscation of sums totaling approximately 38 million euros from the defendants, the Vatican said in a statement accompanying the sentence, which the press office of the Holy See released shortly after the court ruling. In its ruling Thursday, the court acquitted the defendants on charges involving the sale of some buildings. A lack of oversight had permitted corruption to go unchecked for decades at the Vatican bank, which gained notoriety as a money laundering center. The Institute for Religious Operations, otherwise known as the Vatican Bank, has long been a sore spot in the Vatican's image in the world. Putting the Pieces Together! The pope promulgated the new law in an apostolic letter issued motu proprio (on his own impulse). WASHINGTON - The Department of Justice today announced that it has seized 63.7 bitcoins currently valued at approximately $2.3 million. Discovery Company. Brazil's former president Jair Bolsonaro says he did nothing illegal following reports that he tried to bring jewelry worth more than $3 million into the country in 2021 without declaring When the stock market crashes and all assets are seized the assets/money of over 600,000 counts will be flowing into these currencies for humanity Police took nearly $87,000 of his cash. What is behind the Vatican's London real estate scandal? Former Vatican Banker Convicted of Money Laundering and Embezzlement North Korea's foreign ministry on Sunday called on the United Nations to demand an immediate halt to combined military drills by the United States and South Korea, saying they were raising tensions that threaten to spiral out of control. The investigation into the purchase of the building became public on Oct. 1, 2019, when Vatican police raided the offices of the Secretariat of State, the administrative heart of the Catholic Church, and those of the Vatican's Financial Information Authority (AIF). 9 Aug. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.". Dismantling the Deepstate Operatives and Doubles!! Money Seized at the Airport in Miami, FL - Sammis Law Firm In 2014, the Secretariat of State invested more than 200 million euros, much of it from contributions from the faithful, in a fund run by Mincione, securing about 45% of a commercial and residential building at 60 Sloane Avenue in London's South Kensington district. (For the record, it's a suspicion I continue to entertain.) In a document issued Dec. 28, the pope formalized the transfer of financial responsibilities from the Vatican's Secretariat of State to the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA), which functions as the Holy See's treasury and sovereign wealth manager. The Vatican announced the indictments in a two-page statement. Present concerns of the Holy See include religious freedom, threats against minority Christian communities in Africa and the Middle East, the plight of refugees and migrants, sexual misconduct by clergy, international development, interreligious dialogue and reconciliation, and the application of church doctrine in an era of rapid change and But I suspect it augurs something entirely different, and far more ominous, namely, the final capture of the papacy by "the high financial cabal". Follow Conspiracy Daily Update on WordPress.com. state of Missouri remark! [sung to the tune of Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?] He was always part of the game anyway. The Pontifical Academy for Life has published an interview with a theologian who says Catholic teaching on contraception is open for theological discussion, within the Church, and even the possibility of dissent.. At the time, Becciu was in the last year of his post as deputy secretary of state for general affairs, a powerful administrative position that handles hundreds of millions of euros. Once connected malware can do what the programmer instructs it to relay with little notice. This recent case, however, is just the latest in a long series. In his Aug. 23 rescript, Pope Francis said article 219, paragraph 3 of Praedicate Evangelium must be interpreted to mean that the activity of asset manager and custodian of the movable patrimony of the Holy See and of the Institutions connected with the Holy See is the exclusive responsibility of the Institute for Works of Religion.. He and two lawyers who consulted for the bank were charged with embezzling money while managing the sale of Italian real estate owned by IOR between 2001-2008, allegedly declaring less than the actual amount of the sale. It's time to understand DEATH as an ILLUSION! Additionally, some of the remaining roughly $250 million 200 million in euros appears to have been diverted to either phony legal companies or, at a minimum, fraudulent billable hours to cover for the purchase of the London property. Only a Fraction of Vatican's Charity Fund Goes to the Poor The claim is false, Fr. 2023 Cable News Network. Over 9.5 Million Counterfeit Pills Have Been Seized in Arizona since January 2021 Nearly 1.7 Million Fentanyl Pills & 10 KG of Fentanyl Powder Seized PHOENIX - As U.S. overdose deaths reach a devastating new height, claiming a new victim every five minutes, the Drug Enforcement Administration has revealed a direct link between fentanyl-related . CBK appears to stand for Caroline Bisset (sic) Kennedy, according to another Facebook post shared by the user. The forecast is a deficit of almost 50 million euros, but it would have become 80 million euros if there had been no Peter's Pence. Being a Covax pushing Jesuit (means poison in Martian) Pope they just dont want people Anagramming the Vatican Institute for Religious Operations, or VIRO on their Covax poison funding laundering. Gabriele Liuzzo, 97, received the same sentence as Caloia. The Vatican said the convictions were the product of legislation enacted in 2018 to bring it up to international standards for combating money laundering, corruption and other serious crimes.. if you do building work in the Vatican City you are paid by the APSA, typically through a third party bank and not the IOR (Vatican Bank). He said starting a trial so soon did not give defence lawyers enough time to prepare. Now I have no way of vetting this and my skepticism is on alert. Please understand a donation is a gift and does not confer membership or license to audiobooks. Then theres Francis, whos right up there in my book along with Innocent III, Boniface VIII, and Pius I-am-Tradition IX for reckless expansions of papal power. You might recall that a few years ago, Catherine Austin Fitts and I looked up Francis appointment of an accounting firm to audit the Vatican Bank during one of her visits to me. On Tuesday, the trial of 10 people in connection with its purchase, including the prominent cardinal Angelo Becciu, starts in the Vatican. 2023 Cable News Network. They are charged with financial crimes including embezzlement, money laundering, fraud, extortion and abuse of office. The court on Thursday ordered that the funds at the Vatican bank be seized. But thats nothing compared to what Jorge Cardinal Bergolio a.k.a. Biden's decision to allocate $3.5 billion for compensating 9/11 victims' families has sent teams of lawyers scrambling. The trial will inevitably bring a swirl of media interest to the tiny city-state surrounded by Rome, and appears to underscore Pope Francis' determination to cure the rot in Vatican finances, even if it involves messy public hearings. To become a paid member, visit member registration. Other funds were later frozen in Mr. Liuzzos Swiss bank accounts. Its no wonder that there are re-alignments taking place and its only the beginning of January. Yes! Your monthly donation will help our team continue reporting the truth, with fairness, integrity, and fidelity to Jesus Christ and his Church. One building, in Londons South Kensington, led to enormous losses after it was bought by the Vaticans secretariat of state as an investment in 2014. Reminds me of when the Vatican actually reviewed a Star wars movie for the first time because they were so upset. (Institute for Justice) A North Carolina man is fighting to get back $39,500 in cash after police in Phoenix, Arizona, seized the money from him at an airport on suspicion that it was drug. Article by Kendy . CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. The then-president of the AIF, Rene Bruelhart, a 48-year-old Swiss, and AIF's former Italian director, Tommaso Di Ruzza, 46, were charged with abuse of office for allegedly failing to adequately protect the Vatican's interests and giving Torzi what the indictment request called an "undue advantage". Our ambassador to Italy is one Lewis Eisenberg, worked at Goldman Sachs, chairman of NY Port Authority during 9/11, helped Silverstein get lease on Towers. Many people spotted this story over the holiday break, and it's worth some commentary. Brulhart has called the indictment a procedural blunder and added he always carried out his duties with correctness, loyalty and in the exclusive interest of the Holy See, he said in a statement. Not about the the good guys. i can almost hear those Temple tables being upturned real soon now (but not before it all gets a whole lot worse). (RELATED: Was Pope Francis Arrested On Charges Including Human Trafficking And Fraud). And this is the biggest symbol of them all. Click the button below. Im sure one will emerge out the Biden/Harris swamp [you have to say it quickly as is it meant to be understood as all one entity]) South Tyrrhenian with its great hits , Im Gonna Wash that Bank Right Out of my Hair, Theres Nothing Like a (Notre) Dame, Castle Gandolfo (sung to the tune of Bali Hai by Bloody Mary Tudor), Some Enchanted Apocalypse, Im in Love with Wonderful Lucre and many, many more * all material connected with South Tyrrhenian copyright of ScarmoCo. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 28, 2023 order 13848. A Warner Bros. Submit news to our tip line, Worst Marvel Movie Ever? Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens. In effect, what Francis has done is to move the whole "hidden system of finance" that is the Vatican Bank, a participant in that global "hidden system" that I've speculated about for so long, and placed it directly under papal control. The alleged illegal activities found by the investigation regard investments using charity money into extremely high-risk financial activity for personal gains, which include an investment in the fossil fuel industry in Angola, that could amount to more than 200 million, according to a detailed report from Vatican News. Mr. Caloia, who served as bank president between 1989 and 2009, is the highest-ranking Vatican official to be convicted of a financial crime. The investigation, which started in July 2019, was carried out by the Vatican in cooperation with Italian authorities and revealed "a vast network of ties between financial market operators who. An image released by the Vatican shows the first hearing in the trial of Angelo Caloia, the former president of the Vatican Bank, in 2018. A quintillion is a billion billions and theres not even that much gold, not to mention money, in the world.. 9 Aug. 2021. Nov. 19, 2021, 11:44 AM PST By Kevin Collier Almost all of the money seized by the Internal Revenue Service's Criminal Investigation unit over the past fiscal year was in cryptocurrency, the. 2021. Such lies they create. Francis I has just done: Pope Francis Issues Law Reorganizing Vatican Finances. Michael Voris reported, "About half of the money, approximately $250 million, diverted from Peter's Pence, was used to buy a massively expensive building in the heart of London on Sloane Avenue. (AMERICA MAGAZINE) - Pope Francis has unequivocally confirmed that bishops must obtain authorization from the Holy See before granting permission to celebrate the pre-Vatican II Mass in parish churches and before allowing priests ordained after July 16, 2021, to use the 1962 Roman Missal. After your property is seized, the U.S. Secret Service has 60 days to send you a letter called the "Notice of Seizure" that explains the legal basis for the seizure and forfeiture. The Catholic Church as a universal Church doesn't own this wealth, which is mostly in the form of real estate. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. https://www.lunico.eu/conte-finmeccanica-e-lambasciata-usa-dietro-la-frode-per-far-fuori-trump/, https://noqreport.com/2021/01/06/conte-leonardo-spa-and-the-u-s-embassy-behind-the-election-data-switch-fraud-to-take-out-trump/, https://nationsinaction.org/2021/01/press-release-voter-fraud/, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yNnkTEuiDkrqnLa-rHEQKcBBIziNIlAn/view. Vanity, thy name is Vatican. You also The mail CBP office is in Concourse D - North Terminal 2nd Floor at the Miami International Airport located at 4200 NW 21st Street, Miami, FL 33122. St Peters Basilica and the Vatican museums were closed or only partially open for much of 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Check out this Jesuit/Dominican rap battle, Abortion doula at Notre Dame speaker series adds to Catholic concern, Vatican bank reports $19 million profit in 2021, Motto and logo of Pope Francis trip to Kazakhstan released, Theologian at Academy for Life claims one may dissent from Church teaching on contraception. Published Jul. 21 Jan 2021 A former head of the Vatican bank, Angelo Caloia, has been found guilty of embezzlement and money laundering and sentenced to eight years and 11 months in prison, making him the. nature of The Vatican: the Vatican City State (VCS), and independent entity recognised under international law, and the Catholic Church with the Curia of Cardinals, both headed by the Pope. Posted on May 5, 2021 Crown wants drug money seized. Updated The Vatican's so-called "financial watchdog" monitors all Vatican financial operations and ensures they conform with international norms against money-laundering and the financing of terrorism. If this story is true, my comments below may well apply. Does ChatGPT get Catholics? The problems began, one might recall, in the late pontificate of Paul VI(though the story broke later), when the first scandals and stories began to break tying the bank to other scandals, mobster Michelle Sindona's Franklin Bank collapse, the Loge Propaganda Due affair that tied Mason Licio Gelli's P2 Lodge to high ranking Italian government and Vatican officials, to the connections of Banco Ambrosiano's Roberto Calvi (found hanging from London's Blackfriar's Bridge with bricks stuffed into his pants), to American Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, at one time head of the IOR, and later Pope John-Paul II's chief of security. She has said on Italian television that the money, sent to her company in Slovenia, was to ransom kidnapped missionaries in Africa. Trump has accepted the election result and pledged a smooth transition so its game over. (Photo by Vincenzo PINTO / AFP) (Photo by VINCENZO PINTO/AFP via Getty Images). Submit news to our tip line. At Catholic News Agency, our team is committed to reporting the truth with courage, integrity, and fidelity to our faith. From the world's point of view this is really no wealth at all. Between the two documents each with an unprecedented number of pie charts, graphs and maps and two explanatory interviews, the Vatican issued more than 50 pages of financial material. Jan. 21, 2021 ROME A Vatican court on Thursday convicted a former senior official at the Vatican bank and his lawyer of embezzlement and money laundering, sending a strong signal that the. (Photo by Tiziana FABI / AFP) (Photo by TIZIANA FABI/AFP via Getty Images). Cannizzaro challenges prison director on inmate money seizures Pope Francis waves from a window of the apostolic palace overlooking St. Peter's Square in the Vatican during the weekly Angelus prayer followed by the recitation of the Regina Coeli on May 09, 2021. One of the problematic issues about freedom of discussion is that network sniffers have a field day scooping up mega-bytes by the terra-byte. The Council of Europe's anti-money laundering body draws up a comprehensive assessment of the country's level of compliance with the Recommendations by the Financial Action Task Force (). Caloia was president of the bank known as Institute of Works of Religion (IOR) from 1989 to 2009. The station's tweet about the story was shared more than 5,000 times and led to some people questioning why the money was seized. Former Shoe Shiner Wins Back Nearly $30,000 Seized by Federal Agents The Vaticans net assets in 2019 were worth roughly 4 billion euros, or about 4.7 billion U.S. dollars, not including the Vatican bank or the Vatican museums, according to Reuters. Lee Fang. 30.0. She grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, and has a degree in English from Truman State University in Missouri. Vatican laws require the Pope to sign off on any investigation and indictment of a cardinal. (For the record, its a suspicion I continue to entertain.) Department of Justice Seizes $2.3 Million in Cryptocurrency Paid to the appreciated. The letter comes from the "U.S. Department of Homeland Security" (DHS) because the United States Secret Service is an operational and support component of DHS. When you subscribe to the CNA UPDATE, we'll send you a daily email with links to the news you need and, occasionally, breaking news. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window). This, too, could lead to fascism of a very different kind. (RELATED: Was Pope Francis Arrested On Charges Including Human Trafficking And Fraud). President Trump issued an order authorizing the U.S. Treasury to freeze the assets of two former First Families, the Obamas and Clintons. In 2010, Italian authorities seized 23 million ($30 million) from a Vatican account at Italy's Credito Artigiano Spa, following allegations that IOR violated anti-money-laundering laws . Magistrates during the trial of Angelo Caloia (not in picture) on January 21. He first announced the shake-up in an Aug. 25 letter to Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin that was made public on Nov. 5 after the Secretariat of State was engulfed by accusations of financial mismanagement.