Since nothing was entered in the column for mills while the column for occupation only recorded single men (these were non-property holders who were included under a head tax), these columns were dropped the following year and industrial sites (sawmills) were specifically listed as a line item in future tax assessments. 236. This meant Joseph was under the necessity of taking her elsewhere.18 Not long after Joseph married Emma, however, the two lived briefly in the home as Joseph began his work and prepared to move into his own home. Shortly before the Hale family moved from Harmony, provisions were also enacted to tax pleasure carriages and watches, of which they had none. 317. 4 Emma Hale (1804-1879). She was descended of primarily English ancestors,[8][9] including seven passengers on the Mayflower. Joseph and Isaac Hale, Emma's father, had a tumultuous relationship due to Emma and Joseph eloping, Joseph's treasure digging, and Isaac's frustration with Joseph constantly borrowing. He covered the meat with locally gathered salt to keep it from spoiling, holding it into place by heavy stones until snow covered the ground, and he could drag the meat filled troughs through the woods over the snow. Emma Smiths baptismal record was copied into the Register of Baptisms, First Presbyterian Church, Hallstead, in 1865 when the original congregations records were all transferred into the later volume by a single scribe. But Lucy, who was not there at the time, may have misunderstood Josephs recounting the events, since Isaac Hale suggested that it was Afterthese occurrences, [when the treasure diggers abandoned the project and left, that] young Smith made several visits at my house to court his daughter. Willingborough Township, Direct Tax Lists 1798, 3. This continued a struggle Joseph Smith faced for several years over how his taxes were determined. See Emily Blackman, Susquehanna County, 1090. These roads would open trade to the Genesee Valley where men like Joseph Knight Sr. and Josiah Stowell could purchase large supplies of grain inexpensively and take their loads down to the river destined for the higher priced urban markets in Pennsylvania. 15, no. That fall, Joseph obtained the gold plates and continued his mission of being an instrument in the hands of God in restoring the gospel. 1833, September 2, 1832; Theological Seminary,General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary(Andover, Mass. Anne SMITH daughter of Thomas Smith died 11 February 1880 aged 33 years 140b. After concluding their new Methodist minister was more interested in money than he was in fulfilling his ministerial duties, Comfort wrote, My Dear Son if this is christianity or Methodism How I have been deceived for more than thirty eight years.284. There is no record Joseph entered into any additional marriages after the fall of 1843.5, Emma rarely spoke about the practice after Josephs death. Emma and her family followed and made a new home on the frontier in the Latter Day Saint settlement of Far West, Missouri, where Emma gave birth on June 2, 1838, to Alexander Hale Smith. The William and Jacob Smith assessments were adjusted in 1825 by Jesse Hale for the 1826 season. Emma told her mother they were called Mormons, a development that occurred after they had left the Susquehanna Valley. The site was very clean as if they had internalized Methodist founder John Wesleys aphorism cleanliness is next to godliness.299 Despite John Comforts later concerns that an interest in pursuing wealth was creeping into their Methodist community and overshadowing religious devotion, the Hale family appears to have reconciled the role of wealth into their religious practice. Journals from the region indicate women held tea parties frequently.248 Many fragments of white kaolin clay tobacco pipes suggest that men also gathered at the home to socialize.249. 209. Father of Jesse Hale , David Hale , Alva Hale , Elizabeth Hale , Isaac Ward Hale and Emma (Hale) Bidamon. They were the parents of at least 5 sons and 4 daughters. Hale also bought an additional 40 1/2 acres of land from Caleb and Sarah Carmalt for $101.00 but did not record the deed until he sold it years later to a son-in-law, Michael Morse.234The Carmalt addition was a section of land attached to the eastern edge of the Hale property above the land of Ezekiel and William Travis. But as the economy continued its downward trend, all of the Hale children who could left the valley a few at a time. The wealthy family lived on a 90-acre farm in the Susquehanna River Valley, where Isaac shipped meat and other merchandise downriver to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 117. Susquehanna County, Township Incorporations, 1790 to 1853, Susquehanna County Historical Society, Montrose, Pennsylvania. John D. Monroe,Chapters in the History of Delaware County, New York(Delaware, New York: Delaware County Historical Association, 1949), 8997, 109. He lamented the state of religion in letter after letter for more than a decade. The hunters came to trade, to sell deer meat, bear meat, wild turkeys, and the like, and to exchange the skins of wild animals for such commodities, as they wished. She remembered they often had a good time. Most settlers along the Susquehanna also acquired some cash through selling their timber downriver which they could use to pay taxes, purchase window glass, nails, cooking implements, and other essentials. Carol Cornwall Madsen, The Elect Lady Revelation (D&C25): Its Historical and Doctrinal Context, in CraigK. Manscill, ed., Sperry Symposium Classics: The Doctrine and Covenants (Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004), 19. 59. Cornelius Wilson Larison, ed.,Sylvia Dubois: A Biografy of the Slav Who Whipt Her Mistres and Gand Her Fredom(New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), 5657. Isaac and Elizabeth Lewis Hale Home Key Points of Interest The home currently on the property is a reconstruction, built by the church in 2015 Emma Hale Smith, Joseph's wife, grew up here with her parents, Isaac and Elizabeth Hale Joseph first met Emma when he and his father boarded here while working for Josiah Stowell nearby While living in Connecticut, Arah Ward joined thirty-two others in 1757 who petitioned the church to not require his family to attend meetings during the winter months because of difficult travel on bad roads, Anderson,The Town and City of Waterbury,398. And Elizabeth Hale expected a child again. Commonwealth vs. Jason Treadwell. This suggests that Emma was in the room at breakfast while the other women in the household were not, and she may have provided board for guests in the homeincluding the Josiah Stowell work party. From Mormonism Unvailed, reformatted for the web here, my emphasis below: [Isaac Hale, March 20, 1834] I first became acquainted with Joseph Smith, Jr. in November,1825. Ezra Stiles, the president of Yale College, lived near both Isaacs maternal and paternal families when he recorded in his diary gossip he heard from Governor Trumbull, who, he believed, received it directly from governor John Winthrop the Younger himself, how Winthrop had found plenty of Gold in a secret gold mine in the nearby mountains and had made a gold ring he showed off to his friends. 166. Kidds surrender put the entire coast in an uproar when the constables arrested him penniless and found less than 100,000 pounds sterling hidden with his friends for safekeeping. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County, 429, 469. Selah Payne, who was a fellow Methodist of the Hale family, and who provided his home as the second meeting place along with the Hale family, began to build an African college on his property, but abandoned the project, Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,105. While travelling there, they saw an elderly man walking alongside the road. Wed hardly get over one frolic when wed begin to fix for another.154 Settlers held a big frolic on Wednesday, July 4, where they enjoyed dancing and eating as they worked together while honoring Isaac Hale and the other men in the valley who had served in the Revolutionary War. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,53. Emma, who was more than ordinarily communicative, December 4, 1867; and Visited Mrs. Bidamon, relict of Joseph Smith the Martyr. Although first chartered in 1761 as part of the New Hampshire land grants, the township was only recently organized by members of the Ward family and other local civic leaders. See Emily Blackman, draft version of History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, Susquehanna County Historical Association, Montrose, Pennsylvania. 141. Isaac and Elizabeth Hales son-in-law Michael Morse recalled it was Isaac Hales house where Mr. Hand painted tea cups and saucers suggest the Hale women socialized in their home with other women from the valley. . 17. 115. At that time her baptismal date was given simply as ditto marks underneath Alva Hales baptismal date of January 11, 1797. See Returned as Elected, Quarter Sessions Docket, Susquehanna County, 3: 3637, 7071, 101, 120. By February they had arranged to buy the house from Jesse and the 13 1/2 acres of farmland from Emma's father, Isaac Hale. When he arrived, Colonel Pickering wrote to his son Henry that Nathaniel Lewis, who has been much used to sick persons, and whose experience enables him to judge better than I, thinks your brother not likely to survive three days longer.160 Tim Pickering mentally prepared to die in good nineteenth-century fashion with a serenity of mind, flowing from a sincere and constant endeavor to preserve aconscience void of offence toward God and toward man!161 Lewis was right and his brother-in-law died three days later on May 14, 1807.162 Isaac Hale helped bury him on the brow of a hill between the mountain and Starucca [Creek]. On the day of his burial, Colonel Pickering wrote of his son, I intimated to Hail and Lewis my wish that flat stones might be set up at his grave. During the short time of his employ, Joseph and other workers boarded at the homestead of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale of Harmony. EMMA HALE In late 1825, Joseph Smith was working as a hired hand on a farm in South Bainbridge, New York. 242. It is said that he did not appear to be a man like Paul, brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, though, doubtless, he was a good man. . Lumber was also transported overland to the Delaware River about fifteen miles east of the Hale home where it was deposited until the spring floods carried the arks downriver straight to Philadelphia. Many other land owners in the valley were taxed on an additional home that same year. An unruly crowd gathered, delaying Emmas confirmation, and Joseph was arrested and imprisoned on charges of disorderly conduct. 173. 214. Thy soul has been afflicted because of the wickedness of men in seeking the destruction of thy companion, and thy whole soul has been drawn out in prayer for his deliverance; rejoice, for the Lord thy God has heard thy supplication. After Joseph and Emma Hale Smiths marriage, they returned to the neighborhood that became for them a significant place in their familys timeline. 133. isaac hale father of emma smith Frank M. Eastman,The Law of Taxation in Pennsylvania(Newark, N.J.: Soney & Sage, 1909), 4552. Hale always claimed that he was converted from deism to faith in Christ as the Savior, by a secret prayer of Emmas, when she was but seven or eight years old, which he accidentally overheard when just entering into the woods to hunt. Nathaniel Lewis brought with him negative experiences with the Rodsmen and treasure digging culture, Isaac Hale arrived in Pennsylvania without the same conflict with his Connecticut roots.93, Uncle Nate, Isaacs brother-in-law Nathaniel Lewis, and Nathaniels wife Sarah, squatted on a farm immediately west of the Hales on the north bank of the Susquehanna River ascending the foot of Oquago Mountain. 148. The Stowell work party went a little over a mile and a half west on Oquago Road where a narrow footbridge on the west side of a small cemetery connected the families across the river and marked the beginning of the farm of Vermont emigrants Isaac and Elizabeth Hale. de Doina Babcinschi. Dot marks Hale cabin location north of road. : Herald Publishing House, 1929), 1:580, 711. He married Elizabeth Lewis on September 20, 1790, two months before her twenty-third birthday.91 Isaac and Elizabeth Hale took Nathaniel and Sarah Lewis, along with Sarahs mother and her eight-year-old sister, Lurena Cole, and quickly left for Pennsylvania since they would travel over two hundred miles to their new home barely ahead of the winter weather using a small, single ox drawn cart to carry all their goods with those of the family members that accompanied them.92 When the Hale and Lewis families arrived in the Susquehanna Valley, winter had already arrived and the struggle for survival began. Isaac's attitude towards Joseph Smith was one of disapproval and did not like him as a person. Pickerings surviving papers also provide detailed plans for construction of the second home and information about this larger structure. Isaac Hale was not a Methodist during his residence in Vermont and appears to have been involved in treasure digging in Harmony, Pennsylvania. 129. 311. The Beers map has continued to influence some historians of Mormonism. 95. The announcement of Joseph having the plates created a great deal of excitement in the area.