Studio Editor gives us a Class Template to add our code onto it. To calculate the number of bytes, we have to add 1 (for sign) to the total number of digits, then need to divide it by 2, and round up. Can we move alphanumeric to numeric in cobol? Error I'm getting is:Source: Data Flow Task Script Component [166] Description: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTruncateException: Numeric arithmetic causes truncation. COMP-3 variable contains any of the digits 0 through 9, a sign. This section provides various test cases for converting different types of numeric fields. The light-blue boxes identify the input/output data structures such as Documents, Spreadsheets, Data Files, VSAM Data Sets, Partitioned Data Set Members (PDSM's) or Relational Tables. But as I told you in my By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The following PROCEDURE DIVISION statement shows how to convert from a BINARY to a DISPLAY (with SIGN TRAILING SEPARATE) numeric value. Rarely (if ever) is packed-decimal business data moved to a floating-point field. bPacked (Byte Array): A byte array containing the packed number to be converted to decimal format. With this you should be answered. Although it only requests 18 digits (15+3), it gets 19 to make it an even length field with the sign (one digit added to the front to make it 10 bytes long on the file). How to convert Python variables into equivalent cobol group variables? How can I check before my flight that the cloud separation requirements in VFR flight rules are met? My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? Will Gnome 43 be included in the upgrades of 22.04 Jammy? (ie, Numeric to Numeric, Packed to Packed, or Binary For more information about the Hex-Dump format refer to the Hexadecimal Dump Format section of this document. The Source Field is defined as a Packed (or COMP-3) field with 5 digits and zero decimal positions. to handle the columns as binary data. Have you tried to display it with the Edit-Mask (EM=) option? The Result field is also defined with a SIGN TRAILING SEPARATE that creates an additional byte to the field for the sign. Then setup the flat file connection with a fixed width format, an ANSI code page Atlast divide the decimal-total by 1000 and add it to integer-part. PIC S9(15)V9(3) COMP-3 looks like this in the file: If the value was -4568248.323, it would be: This doesn't help you, but may help others. else that would make our package end with an error. Converts a packed number to decimal format. The following PROCEDURE DIVISION statement shows how to convert from a ZONED-DECIMAL to a DISPLAY (or unsigned Zoned-Decimal) numeric value. Get alphanumeric string redefined into two numeric fields to hold and process decimal part and integer part individually. The following is the WORKING-STORAGE definition for the source field. You can download the SSIS package and the sample text file used for this The following PROCEDURE DIVISION statement shows how to convert from a ZONED-DECIMAL to a DISPLAY (with SIGN TRAILING SEPARATE) numeric value'. The Result field is also defined with a SIGN TRAILING SEPARATE that creates an additional byte to the field for the sign. The following is a sample of the Dump information produced on a PC with Micro Focus COBOL and Net Express, version 4.0. representation of the previous statement. Explore The Source Field is defined as a Zoned-Decimal (or USAGE IS DISPLAY) field with 5 digits and zero decimal positions. A packed decimal representation stores decimal digits in each "nibble" of a byte. > (somehow) to the decimal value 168. Explore An Enterprise System Model that describes and demonstrates how Applications that were running on a Mainframe System and non-relational data that was located on the Mainframe System were copied and deployed in a Microsoft Windows environment with Micro Focus Enterprise Server. S9(15) means a 15 digit numeric signed field: S for sign, 9 is numeric, (15) is length. The Floating-Point format should wait until another time after you well understand these four. If it is not, there will be an 0c7. The next is close to what you will see in a COBOLs Copy File (a file that contains Also, like zoned numbers, packed numbers can have implied decimal Considering that back in a day the cost for storage and memory was Parent topic: Reformatting records with fixed fields. It's the regular unpacked fields that I'm having an issue with. Dictionary debit type category debit value debit, to debit, to debit-side settlement debit/credit amount debited interest debiting and crediting an account debits debits and credits debits/credits indicator debt discount debt instrument debt instrument debt register debt to total capital debt-equity ratio debtor debug debugging debugging . about its content to see if, for example the file contains binary zeros or something Is it possible to create a concave light? Processors such as the IBM 370 family, the PDP-10, the Motorola microprocessor family, and most of the various RISC architectures are big-endian. initialize array with values and view the COBOL source code for this numeric field conversion example. Back to top. Interpreting COMP-3 Packed Decimal Fields into numeric values COMP and COMP-3 equivalent variables in Easytrieve I tried with below logic. On the Advanced view we are going to add four columns named Name, Address, Is it possible to create a concave light? tip: If you want to enrich your SSIS packages and make them look more professional, If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feedback please use the following contact information. This suite of test cases describes how to convert between the various numeric formats (or data types such as DISPLAY, COMP, COMP-3 or DECIMAL, BINARY and PACKED) used with COBOL and on an IBM Mainframe System. Atlast divide the decimal-total by 1000 and add it to integer-part. Not the answer you're looking for? Packed Decimal Data. The following PROCEDURE DIVISION statement shows how to convert from a PACKED to a DISPLAY (or unsigned Zoned-Decimal) numeric value. Color Associations: The light-green boxes are unique to SIMOTIME Technologies using an IBM Mainframe System or Micro Focus Enterprise Developer. the error message is something like this "cannot move non-integer numbers to alphanumeric variable". The process of adding the packed field to zero giving a result in a display field is the same as doing an unpack of the packed field into a zoned-decimal (or display) field. The following (NBRCVTE2.cmd) is a sample of the Windows CMD needed to run this job in a non-Mainframe environment. A simple job script may contain a single job step that performs a single function. What do you say? You do not need to divide by 1000. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources. PIC is "picture" the COBOL Routine for Example-302 GnuCOBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL) is a COBOL compiler with run time support. Is there an existing gem or script that converts comp-3/packed decimal format to number? I am unsure of the correct interpretation of the following field definitions and was hoping someone would know: FIELD-NAME-1 PIC S9(15)V9(3) COMP-3. This template defines Business Intelligence Tips and Tricks, Merge multiple data sources with SQL Server Integration Services, Lookup and Cache Transforms in SQL Server Integration Services, How To Use the Unpivot Data Flow Transform in SQL Server Integration Services SSIS, How to make an SSIS Merge Join transformation fail safe from sorting irregularities, SSIS Multicast Transformation vs Conditional Split Transformation, Intelligent Conditional Split in an SSIS Package, Commonly made mistakes with SSIS Conditional Split Transform, Import multiple images to SQL Server using SSIS, Removing Duplicates Rows with SSIS Sort Transformation, SSIS - Configure a source flat file with a fixed width from an existing table, Importing Mainframe Data with SQL Server Integration Services, Export SQL Server Data with Integration Services to a Mainframe, Validate Numeric or Non-Numeric Data in SQL Server Integration Services without the Script Task, Synchronize Table Data Using a Merge Join in SSIS, Character Map Transformations in SQL Server Integration Services, Diagnose and Fix SSIS Performance Problems for ETL Loads, Troubleshoot New Line Breaks, Line Feeds and Carriage Returns in SSIS Flat File Destination, Date and Time Conversions Using SQL Server, Format SQL Server Dates with FORMAT Function, How to tell what SQL Server versions you are running, Rolling up multiple rows into a single row and column for SQL Server data, Resolving could not open a connection to SQL Server errors, SQL Server Loop through Table Rows without Cursor, Add and Subtract Dates using DATEADD in SQL Server, Concatenate SQL Server Columns into a String with CONCAT(), SQL Server Database Stuck in Restoring State, SQL Server Row Count for all Tables in a Database, Using MERGE in SQL Server to insert, update and delete at the same time, Ways to compare and find differences for SQL Server tables and data. We are going to instruct the SSIS pipeline COBOL Numeric Formats, Convert Numeric Formats using COBOL - SimoTime SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. To Then I have the script component output parameter set to DT_NUMERIC with a precision of 7 and scale of 2. The Source Field is defined as a BINARY (or COMP) and the result fields are "USAGE IS DISPLAY" or a numeric edited field. Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data 01 WS-ZONED-DECIMAL PIC S9 (11)V99. The Picture clause is used to specify the type and size of an elementary data item. or you can use a SORT card to convert the packed value to numeric. For this test case the COBOL programs were compiled and executed on a Linux (Ubuntu) System using GnuCOBOL. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material. I have to convert it. Since this example uses an unsigned number the conversion is the same as a simple move. a whole tip can be written about this. This test case will show the process for converting a binary numeric format to a display (or zoned-decimal) format. Comp-3 stores data in a BCD -- binary coded decimal -- format with the sign after the least significant digit. AFTER THIS IT NEED BE AGAIN CONVERTED BACK INTO PACKED DECIMAL INORDER TO INSERT THIS FIELD INTO A TABLE. In most modern Cobol compilers, you can move a numeric-edited field to a numeric field. This way we can have the decimal portion of the number separated from the full number. The following sections describe the various numeric field formats with techniques for displaying the contents of the actual value (hexadecimal) as stored in memory. Unpacked the previous value would look like: This field has 15 (actually 16) digits before the decimal point and 3 after. This test case will show the process for converting a zoned-decimal-numeric format to an edited numeric format. The low-order byte contains one digit in the leftmost portion and the sign (positive or negative) in the rightmost portion. warning: turn off your caps lock. Packed-Decimal Format - IBM Yes, the above program uses an additional variable in the middle to convert numeric format to display format, but that is exactly how the language was designed. is there any way to fix this issue without making use of another variables (e.g. The following is a sample of the Dump information produced on an IBM Mainframe or Micro Focus Mainframe Express on the PC. one digit per byte. 359 , Road No. The Source Field is defined as a Binary (or COMP) field with 5 digits and zero decimal positions. The Micro Focus Web Site Equivalent SQL and COBOL data types - IBM 03 AMOUNT PIC S9(11)V99 COMP-3. Difference between "select-editor" and "update-alternatives --config editor".